Monday, February 23, 2009

Mexican Bubble Bath

Took Lindy to the vet today.

She looks guilty in this one. Look at everyone.
I wonder if she farted?
Her nail was broken at the base. They had to sedate her so they could remove it. She will be on meds for a while to help it heal & to help with the pain. Poor girl.

They gave her 2 prescriptions. One is an animal only drug. Have to get it from the vet.
The other is an antibiotic. I could get this from any pharmacy. The vet price for this one was $0.84 per pill. I called Costco & they charge $0.30 per pill. This is insane.
By the way, for some reason I look through the drawers at the doctors office. I guess I just like to see what they keep in there. Well, I'm cured of that. Look what I found.
Here is a closer look.

Mexican Bubble Bath:
When you fart in the bath and the bubbles come up and stink up the room.

Dude! I just walked in on Jeff cooking up a mexican bubble bath!

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