Wednesday, February 18, 2009

A day at home.

Today was a slow day. I was awakened by Kai at 2 am. He had crawled in our bed and tried to fall asleep. Problem is he kicks like a angry horse. I took him back to his bed and laid with him for a few minutes. That's when Luke decided it was his turn to stir up the house. I got up and made him a bottle. Once he fell back asleep it was my turn.
I took Kai to school & came home to watch Luke. I spent most of the day hitting the refresh button on,
I tried to comment several times on her blog but for some reason I'm too illiterate to make it work!

I decided to make a blog about nothing. I don't know why, just to do it. I tried to come up with a name but everything was taken. Crop-dusting is when you fart while walking. I'll use it in a sentence. " I crop-dusted my way down the isle at the grocery store."

This is kinda the concept of my blog. I'm walking down the isles of the inter-web spewing nonsense I hope no-one reads. Of course I laugh hoping someone catches a wiff!

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