Monday, February 23, 2009

1-Man Salute

Sunday was fun day. (you can click on the pics to see them a little bigger. Check out Luke's eyes.)

We went to Nautiques of Orlando to see a wakeboard/wakeskate thingy. It was cool, but the real deal was Friday & Saturday night I guess. I found out about it by a picture posted on facebook. Ha! I used to be part of the blood line.

They had a big inflatable kids slide thingy. Kai had a blast on it.

When were were leaving I noticed a big Target logo on a grey pillar. I thought that was odd. A grey background and all. Also the location was kinda strange. I ask Kristen what the heck was going on. She said its the new Super Target with a parking garage and an elevator and an escalator and they even have a special escalator that takes your cart up to the parking garage. I quickly changed directions. I had to see the cart escalator thing!
It was cool. We didn't have a cart, but I grabbed & empty one so Kai could put it in the thing. He thought it was great and decided to run up the escalator to beat the cart.
Question, do you remember being a little afraid of the teeth at the end of the escalator? I always tell Kai to step over the end, don't let your feet run into it. He just stands there until his feet stop and we run into him. He is silly.
When we got home we took a go kart ride & he jumped on the neighbor girls trampoline with them. We went home & had turkey burgers.
I stayed up & watched the Oscars last night. Now I'm sleepy.

1-Man Salute :
To fart briskly yet gracefully. To Squeeze gas through the buttocks like the pursing lips on a French Horn.

I couldn't hold it in, so I gave the ol' 1-man salute.

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