Friday, February 20, 2009

Dutch Hand Grenade

Lets see. Last night was ear piercing. Luke screamed so loud my ears rang. Poor little guy.
This morning I decided to risk it & dig around in his mouth in search of TEETH. We knew he had one in the front on the bottom but there had to be more. Hmmmmm, is that another...
Yep, two teeth. Both bottom teeth, right in the front. Guess we know why he is screaming.

This morning was the last Cafe' Mocha my Breville will ever make.

Sad Sad Day.
One day it just quit working. I plugged it in and turned it on and nothing happened.
I took it to the repair center & 4 months & several phone calls later they said it was fixed. A new mother board was installed. I went & paid a bunch of money & took it home. I could taste the espresso all the way home.
When I was making my Cafe' Mocha the machine suddenly took over & started draining all the water into the overflow. What the...! "I don't care if it didn't do it there, its doing it now!"
Back to the repair center.
A month later the call came in. Its fixed. MMMMMMM, YUMMY!
I rushed it home to make my favorite drink. What the....! Same thing, draining all the water.
Repair guy argues with me & said I'm doing it wrong. He must of been smoking wicky weed!
I called Breville again an told them what the stoner said. They told me it was a problem with the mother board. I have to send it to them & they will send me a Shiny Brand New One for my trouble!
I can't wait!

I went to Sky Craft today. Sky Craft rules!
Got 100' network cable. I have to run a cable out of our office, all the way 'round the house & back in to the back room. Kristen wants to work off of our new high top table & can't go wireless due to work.

I guess that's it for now!

Oh, I forgot, I spent the whole day calling everyone I know looking for film work. No Luck. Scary!

Dutch Hand Grenade:
In a similar mould to the dutch oven, but the air biscuit is caught in the hand, which is then used to transport the pungent aroma as close as possible to the victim's nostrils before it is opened.
Also known as cupping.

1 comment:

  1. That's gross!!!
    Rub whiskey on his gums and get some sleep.
