Sunday, February 22, 2009

Baking Brownies

Yesterday was family day. We went to lunch with Kristen's dad & her brother & his daughter Elizabeth. After lunch we went to a park and the kids had a blast.
When we got home I took a nice ride on the mini bike. That thing is so much fun to ride.
After I got home we walked over to our friends Mike & Susan's.
When we got home Kai let Lindy out & smashed her toe in the door. Her toe nail broke & bled all over the house. ick.

baking brownies :
when one farts excessively - the smell of "baking brownies"


  1. Poor Lindy:( Is she okay? I hope you didn't get too mad at Kai!!
    How many monikers can a fart have?

  2. When did you have a little girl?
