Monday, February 23, 2009

Mexican Bubble Bath

Took Lindy to the vet today.

She looks guilty in this one. Look at everyone.
I wonder if she farted?
Her nail was broken at the base. They had to sedate her so they could remove it. She will be on meds for a while to help it heal & to help with the pain. Poor girl.

They gave her 2 prescriptions. One is an animal only drug. Have to get it from the vet.
The other is an antibiotic. I could get this from any pharmacy. The vet price for this one was $0.84 per pill. I called Costco & they charge $0.30 per pill. This is insane.
By the way, for some reason I look through the drawers at the doctors office. I guess I just like to see what they keep in there. Well, I'm cured of that. Look what I found.
Here is a closer look.

Mexican Bubble Bath:
When you fart in the bath and the bubbles come up and stink up the room.

Dude! I just walked in on Jeff cooking up a mexican bubble bath!

1-Man Salute

Sunday was fun day. (you can click on the pics to see them a little bigger. Check out Luke's eyes.)

We went to Nautiques of Orlando to see a wakeboard/wakeskate thingy. It was cool, but the real deal was Friday & Saturday night I guess. I found out about it by a picture posted on facebook. Ha! I used to be part of the blood line.

They had a big inflatable kids slide thingy. Kai had a blast on it.

When were were leaving I noticed a big Target logo on a grey pillar. I thought that was odd. A grey background and all. Also the location was kinda strange. I ask Kristen what the heck was going on. She said its the new Super Target with a parking garage and an elevator and an escalator and they even have a special escalator that takes your cart up to the parking garage. I quickly changed directions. I had to see the cart escalator thing!
It was cool. We didn't have a cart, but I grabbed & empty one so Kai could put it in the thing. He thought it was great and decided to run up the escalator to beat the cart.
Question, do you remember being a little afraid of the teeth at the end of the escalator? I always tell Kai to step over the end, don't let your feet run into it. He just stands there until his feet stop and we run into him. He is silly.
When we got home we took a go kart ride & he jumped on the neighbor girls trampoline with them. We went home & had turkey burgers.
I stayed up & watched the Oscars last night. Now I'm sleepy.

1-Man Salute :
To fart briskly yet gracefully. To Squeeze gas through the buttocks like the pursing lips on a French Horn.

I couldn't hold it in, so I gave the ol' 1-man salute.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Baking Brownies

Yesterday was family day. We went to lunch with Kristen's dad & her brother & his daughter Elizabeth. After lunch we went to a park and the kids had a blast.
When we got home I took a nice ride on the mini bike. That thing is so much fun to ride.
After I got home we walked over to our friends Mike & Susan's.
When we got home Kai let Lindy out & smashed her toe in the door. Her toe nail broke & bled all over the house. ick.

baking brownies :
when one farts excessively - the smell of "baking brownies"

Friday, February 20, 2009

Dutch Hand Grenade

Lets see. Last night was ear piercing. Luke screamed so loud my ears rang. Poor little guy.
This morning I decided to risk it & dig around in his mouth in search of TEETH. We knew he had one in the front on the bottom but there had to be more. Hmmmmm, is that another...
Yep, two teeth. Both bottom teeth, right in the front. Guess we know why he is screaming.

This morning was the last Cafe' Mocha my Breville will ever make.

Sad Sad Day.
One day it just quit working. I plugged it in and turned it on and nothing happened.
I took it to the repair center & 4 months & several phone calls later they said it was fixed. A new mother board was installed. I went & paid a bunch of money & took it home. I could taste the espresso all the way home.
When I was making my Cafe' Mocha the machine suddenly took over & started draining all the water into the overflow. What the...! "I don't care if it didn't do it there, its doing it now!"
Back to the repair center.
A month later the call came in. Its fixed. MMMMMMM, YUMMY!
I rushed it home to make my favorite drink. What the....! Same thing, draining all the water.
Repair guy argues with me & said I'm doing it wrong. He must of been smoking wicky weed!
I called Breville again an told them what the stoner said. They told me it was a problem with the mother board. I have to send it to them & they will send me a Shiny Brand New One for my trouble!
I can't wait!

I went to Sky Craft today. Sky Craft rules!
Got 100' network cable. I have to run a cable out of our office, all the way 'round the house & back in to the back room. Kristen wants to work off of our new high top table & can't go wireless due to work.

I guess that's it for now!

Oh, I forgot, I spent the whole day calling everyone I know looking for film work. No Luck. Scary!

Dutch Hand Grenade:
In a similar mould to the dutch oven, but the air biscuit is caught in the hand, which is then used to transport the pungent aroma as close as possible to the victim's nostrils before it is opened.
Also known as cupping.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Air Biscuit

This is from Thursday. I forgot to post it.
Today was uneventful, sorta.
The roofer man came an gave us an estimate for a repair.
We picked up a new High Top Table & chairs for our little back room.

Luke had a lot of trouble sleeping. He used to be so quiet. Now he screams his little head off.

Air Biscuit:
A fart that is so potent as to have a tangible quality.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

A day at home.

Today was a slow day. I was awakened by Kai at 2 am. He had crawled in our bed and tried to fall asleep. Problem is he kicks like a angry horse. I took him back to his bed and laid with him for a few minutes. That's when Luke decided it was his turn to stir up the house. I got up and made him a bottle. Once he fell back asleep it was my turn.
I took Kai to school & came home to watch Luke. I spent most of the day hitting the refresh button on,
I tried to comment several times on her blog but for some reason I'm too illiterate to make it work!

I decided to make a blog about nothing. I don't know why, just to do it. I tried to come up with a name but everything was taken. Crop-dusting is when you fart while walking. I'll use it in a sentence. " I crop-dusted my way down the isle at the grocery store."

This is kinda the concept of my blog. I'm walking down the isles of the inter-web spewing nonsense I hope no-one reads. Of course I laugh hoping someone catches a wiff!